Endless Caribbean - The Plan for Tourism Resuscitation in the Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands, News

The Plan for Tourism Resuscitation in the Cayman Islands

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The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism has created a plan for tourism resuscitation in the Cayman Islands. This in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Road Back to 500K (RB5) is a blueprint that can be used in response to natural disasters, global economic recessions and global crises. As the country moves to its new normal in a post-pandemic world, there was a need for a strategic plan that would guide the tourism sector.

Honourable Deputy Premier and Minister of Tourism, Mr. Moses Kirkconnell, launched the plan in July 2020. The National Tourism Plan (NTP) which was adopted in February 2020, will be aided by the RB5. Both plans aim to lead the Cayman Islands “effectively, safely, responsibly, and sustainably, now and into the future.”

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The cooperation and input of tourism stakeholders in the islands were instrumental in the creation of the RB5. Private sector partners, government agencies, and other tourism stakeholders collaborated to identify four priority areas to guide the tourism sector. The RB5 was created in an effort to protect a sector that is very important to the  the people of the Cayman Islands.

Plan for Tourism Resuscitation in the Cayman Islands

For this project, the Ministry and Department of Tourism actively engaged stakeholders in the islands. Stakeholders collaborated through surveys, meetings and collaborations. As a result, the project team created a plan that focuses on four priorities. This approach will “create new opportunities for displaced employees”; and create a “plan for the next two to three years.” The priorities are:

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  1. Reinvent for Readiness
  2. Stimulate the Domestic Economy
  3. Regain Global Market Confidence and Market Share
  4. Bolster Future Tourism Sector Employment

Mr. Kirkconnell reiterated that it’s the country’s responsibility to stand behind and push efforts such as the RB5 and the NTP. By doing so, the islands will be on a “pathway for long term success.”

Source: The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism

Image: Marc Babin on Unsplash

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