Endless Caribbean - Montserrat Launches New Destination Website
Montserrat, News

Montserrat Launches New Destination Website

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Visitors to Montserrat can find all of the information they need about the island on its new destination website. The Montserrat Tourism Division launched a new destination website in an effort to boost the island’s digital presence. Director of Tourism, Warren Solomon, lauded the new site as a “major step”. It will be useful in “generating awareness, (and) providing users with compelling stories and information on the island’s history, culture, sites and attractions.” 

New Destination Website

The site was developed by Webfx, a Trinidad & Tobago-based website design and digital marketing company. Douglas Ames, Chief Dishwasher at Webfx, lauded the Montserrat Tourism Division’s decision to create the site. He said that “A strong digital media presence is essential for a tourist destination.”  

Highlights of the new web property are stunning imagery and video content which showcase the best of the island. Additionally, prospective visitors will find information about how to get to the island; where to stay; and features about attractions and activities

Visit Montserrat is one of the outputs of a push to fortify the island’s tourism strategy. The input of local tourism industry professionals as well as international partners strengthened the strategic process. In addition to benefiting travelers, the site is another avenue through which Montserrat’s tourism stakeholders can promote their goods and services. Consequently, this will provide a more wholistic view of all that the country has to offer.  

This website is a valuable investment in Montserrat and it’s tourism product. Most importantly, the site will ensure that the island remains visible to its target travel market in both the short-term and the long-term.  

Source: Montserrat Launches New Destination Website (Caribbean Tourism Organisation) 

Image Credit: Visit Montserrat

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