Cuban cigar factory tours are a must if you are travelling to Cuba for a Caribbean getaway. The Cuban cigar is a renowned and coveted souvenir. Cigar rollers use tobacco leaves to make cigars and roll them by hand. It consists of three parts – a filler, a binder and a wrapper.
The filler is a bunch of tobacco leaves; the binder is a leaf from the top part of the tobacco plant that keeps the filler together and the wrapper is the outermost layer which is a large, tobacco leaf that usually gives the cigar much of its flavour.
It is the Caribbean’s stellar cigar product that has been in production for many years. There is a booming premium cigar market, but the Cuban Cigar has a history that not many modern cigar companies can match. The best way to learn and understand the phenomenon is to partake in at least one of the several available Cuban cigar factory tours.